Saturday, December 20, 2008


For years now I've been privileged to accompany people on their life's journey, even if only for a very short time, because they've taken the risk of inviting me along. Usually it's in the context of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but doesn't necessarily need to be so.

I've always found myself humbled by their trust, and in awe of their burdens.

Here in Iraq it's no different. Again and again I find myself amazed at the pain shouldered by decent human beings, even though it may be of their own making. Again and again I find myself suffused with a suffering-with (com-passion) as they share their joys and sorrows and shames and fears with me.

Fifteen-month deployments exacerbate otherwise difficult situations, it seems.

Thank God my friends who go to a lot of Al-Anon meetings have taught me that "Messiah" is not part of *my* job description!

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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