Thursday, May 28, 2009


I just realized that today is day 300 since arriving in theater.

Unlike many here, I've not been counting down (or up) the days. Rather, I've consciously chosen just to take things one day at a time. For some reason, the days seem to pass faster that way.

Friends who go to lots of AA and Al-Anon meetings tell me often that they're "doing the next right thing," which seems to be related to taking life a day at a time.

Over the course of these 300 days, SFC McG and I have completed well over 100 combat missions (sounds weird to refer to a trip somewhere to say Mass as "a combat mission" but all the firepower which accompanies us seems to bear that out....). There are lots of personnel who work in the building where we have our office who have not yet been 'outside the wire' since they arrived here.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve.

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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