Friday, November 06, 2009


I awoke this morning to the news of the massacre at Ft. Hood.

It brought me back to the terrible events of 11MAY09, when we had five murders at the Combat Stress Center on Camp Liberty in Iraq. I was the first Chaplain into the building after it was secured.

It was awful. The experience remains vivid and immediate. I continue to pray for all involved.

I'm very grateful that friends of mine who go to a lot of AA and Al-Anon meetings have told me that this was an experience of undeniable and profound powerlessness. They have encouraged me to use their Twelve Steps -- which work on any powerlessness -- on this situation.

They are very wise, those friends of mine.

I cannot begin to imagine the chaos and horror of what happened this time in Texas. Having been deployed with many people from Ft. Hood while I was in Iraq, and knowing many who are still there in Iraq, far from their families and friends, I find myself beset by an inexpressible sadness and longing.

But this is about powerlessness, too.

There is a solution. There is One who has all power.

I am not that one.

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ


Melissa said...

A good friend of mine is stationed at Ft. Hood and about to be deployed in the next couple ways. If it wasnt for his wife having her first ultrasound of their baby boy he might have been there. God works in glorious ways!

At the same time my heart goes out to all of those who lost loved ones in such a horrific act. God bless all of our servicement!

Mary Coady said...

T, I didn't realize that the murders @ Camp Liberty occurred on May 11, my birthday. My b'day has taken on some sadness. The SF Water Company killed the 100 year old rambling rose that only bloomed on my b'day (out of carelessness). When I saw that lovely 30 foot, langorously sprawling tree in full bloom, covered with white five petal roses, I believed in God and God's love for me. It was the Almighty's way of wishing me a happy b'day. That's now gone. But I'll remember to pray for those who died in Iraq on that day, instead. Peace and blessings to you.

Unknown said...

And now we have an opportunity to contemplate the Serenity Prayer, seeking acceptance of what is, and knowing that God totally loves not only the dead and wounded, but the human being so tortured in his mind and soul as to perpetrate such a deed. It is not ours to understand, but we do go on in Life and Love

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