Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A chance encounter

Last night I found myself once again in the company of people who go to a lot of AA meetings. As a rule, when that sort of thing happens, I generally find myself coming away from such an encounter feeling spiritually renewed.

Last night was no exception.

All but one of the men I met was a military veteran, too. Who knew?

A young man and I began comparing notes regarding our respective times in Iraq. He has been sober just sixty days now, and is only a few years older now than I was when I stopped drinking. (He is, however, a combat veteran, a distinction I did not reach until I was twenty-nine years sober.) We carried on quite a lengthy conversation.

I told him that if *I* could get sober at age 23, and stay sober since, *he* could, too.

As we parted, he told me, "I'd have been honored to serve with you, Sir."

I told him my name is just Tim.

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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