Friday, December 12, 2008

New snail-mail address!

¡Happy Feast of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, amigos!

Before I forget, there will be some changes occurring over here, and among them will be a change in snail-mail address for your humble blog correspondent. Folks here are being encouraged to use the new address for anything mailed after the first of the year.

I'm encouraging people to hold off on mailing anything to/for/via me from 15DEC08 until 15JAN09 on account of changes that will happen during that time.

For those of you who'd like the new snail-mail address, please drop me a digital inquiry using the following email address (put into correct format, of course; I'm trying to outsmart the spambots which harvest email addresses from blogs like this so that they can send me the latest information on enhancing whatever they're hawking at the moment): cptdrfrtim a t g m a i l d o t c o m.

If you are unable to make that work, please ask a friend for assistance!

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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