Monday, September 21, 2009

Hidden beauty

I've made a point of trying to notice little things that others might not see when we're out and about -- all the while keeping an eye out for malefactors and their malfeasance. The other day, for example, on the way to the chow hall I noticed some flowers in the grass by the side of the road.

There aren't many wildflowers blooming here -- partly because it's so built-up, I suppose, and partly because it's getting to be the end of the growing season, and plants are getting themselves ready for the tough midwestern winter.

In any event, I saw some chicory struggling to maintain itself in the patch of grass alongside the road. I suspect it went unnoticed by most other bipedal mammals passing by...

It's hidden beauties like this, especially in the midst of nonsense, that bring a measure of calm and gratitude to my soul.

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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