Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wedding bells!

During our recent few days off, SPC C flew out to California, wound up driving over eight hundred miles, and got married to his fiance. They'd been dating for five years and had been formally engaged for a year.

It's been quite something to be on the outside looking in over the past weeks, as SPC C and his beloved have been engaging in myriad text messages and serial marathon phone calls regarding the upcoming nuptials.

Making things even worse, the night before our four-day pass started, we were all put on lock-down, and had a shake-down which started after midnight. We were told that all passes had been canceled, and things looked pretty bleak.

Fortunately, pass was reinstated, SPC C was able to make his plane connections, and the celebrations commenced.

Congratulations to SPC and Mrs. SPC C!!

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ
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