Monday, November 02, 2009

Humanitarian aid

So here's an interesting tidbit I've learned since arriving here in Kosovo: The United States Postal System is prohibited from delivering packages sent through the snail-mail system to deployed Soldiers if those packages contain 'humanitarian aid' -- that is, stuff that's meant to be given out to local nationals.

There are workarounds, however.

But the important take-home message is that the Army has started investigating Soldiers -- and the people who've sent the 'humanitarian aid' to them -- for this 'crime'.

So, a word to the wise, folks: If you have things you want to send me FOR SOLDIERS, go right ahead and send them.

But if you have stuff you want us to give out to the locals, let me know beforehand, and I can work out the way to get it to the individuals who need it, without me (and you!) landing in the hoosegow.

As ever, many thanks for your generosity (especially as concerns M&Ms and Skittles!).

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ

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