Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Easter Candle

Now that the Feast of Pentecost has come and gone, the Easter Season is officially over. That means we won't be using the Easter Candle again, which is probably just as well, since there's almost nothing of it left.

Due to the vagaries of the Army Supply System, the new Easter Candle we'd ordered in January (for the first weekend of April), never materialized. We were forced to use the stub of a previously-owned-and-operated Easter Candle, instead.

Now, I'm generally all in favor of recycling. I'm especially aware of the benefits of recycling since being here in Kosovo, what with all the trash that's dumped alongside roads and rivers here. But when it comes to liturgical recycling, I have to draw the line.

Here on Post, where we have three Catholic communities meeting for liturgy (U.S., Polish, Ukrainian) many times each week, the Easter Candle has burned long and brightly. For that reason alone, it would have been nice to have gotten the new candle we'd ordered.

As it is, the stub of a candle we started out with at the Easter Vigil is now rather pathetic. It's even shorter than the liquid-paraffin-filled candles we have on the altar. Good thing we're not a Stateside parish where we'd use the candle at funerals and baptisms over the course of the rest of the Church Year!

This one would never make it through the rest of the year.

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Fr. Tim, SJ
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